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Happy Mother’s Day!

I want to send out a Happy Mother’s Day wish to all of you who are Moms.  Whether you are a mom of the human kind through birth, adoption or fostering, or a mom of the animal kind be it dogs, cats or a whole farm … Happy Mother’s Day!  🙂  On this Mother’s Day, I had a glorious start by visiting the head Mom in our family, my Grandma!  For those of you who have been with me through the years, you know that I visit her every 7-10 days, taking that bumpy ride that makes my middle son throw up from the motion sickness.  I still visit her 3-4 times a month, but I only bring the kids once a month due to the bumpy ride.  Although still bed ridden, she is currently in good health and as keen as can be.  She absolutely adores the great-grandkids and their visits really bolsters her spirits.

Here are some pics of Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day

Hayley taking a rest on the ride to see Great Gram.

Mother's Day

The ride has gotten much shorter with this new bridge!

Mother's Day

The new sections ends soon …  I didn’t even notice the guy carrying the window(?) on the scooter until after I saw this picture!  They transport a lot of things on scooters!

Mother's Day

And this is where that nice bridge ends, cue bumpy one-lane road. See the two trucks heading toward us?

Mother's Day

It’s not even rainy season yet. It’s going to get ugly!

Mother's Day

But we don’t mind all that in order for her (and us) to get this: love!

Mother's Day

My mom passed when I was six, so she couldn’t be in this picture. This is still pretty awesome, nonetheless.

Mother's Day

My two favorite girls: Hayley and Gram. This is a girl pile full of cuddles!

Mother's Day

Hayley took a picture of us for our Glamour Shot! 🙂  She’s working on her picture-taking skills, but this is alright.

So thank you to all who have sent kind thoughts and notes about my Gram.  She says she’s got another month on this Earth, but she has said that before.  We never really know, do we?  Until then, I will savor my time with her and try to give her back all the love that she’s given me.

Happy Mother’s Day!

xo ~ Winn  🙂

May 12, 2013 - Posted by | WhileBabyNaps General Updates | , , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. […] my paternal Grandmother just passed away this week.  No, this is not the maternal Grandmother who raised me and whom I visit weekly and whom I blog about.  My paternal Gram, “Ba Noi”, lived in Da Nang and we visited her twice a year.  […]

    Pingback by Sad start to Summer « Clutch-Me.Com | June 28, 2013 | Reply

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